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The Challenge

Bench of the Future: A Design for Every Person

Design a bench that is humane and comfortable. Imagine a future where every person is valued: the need for respite is weighed against the need for recreation and contemplation. How can your design help promote and better community? The competition is open to anyone, regardless of age, experience, or professional affiliation. This allows anyone with a creative vision to participate and contribute to the design of the Bench of the Future.

Take A Seat

Submission Guidelines

This design competition is open to, but not limited to, artists, architects, graphic designers, interior designers, product designers, and related disciplines. Quarter scale physical prototype. If the chair you imagine is foldable or movable, your prototype should have the same functions.

Silent Auction

A silent auction of all entries will be held at the conference. As part of your entry, you agree to donate your chair to DICE (or see below for entry fees). All proceeds will go toward funding DICE events and the cash prizes for the winners of the competition.

The Challenge Entry Fees

If the Bench is donated to the Silent Auction: FREE
Member of professional organization (i.e. AIA or AIGA): $125
Non-member of professional organization: $250
Student: $25


The judges could consider the following criteria when evaluating the entries:

  • Design: the overall look and feel of the bench
  • Functionality: the bench’s ability to provide support, comfort, and durability
  • Innovation: the bench’s originality and creativity
Conference Ticket Prices
$35 General
$25 Members (of the Museum)
$25 AIA Member
$25 AIGA Member
$20 Student
Registration Deadline

September 1st


1st Place Herman Miller Shell Chair
2nd Place $50 Gift Certificate (TBD)

Let's Get Thinking

Tickets for this inspiring day of design are available now through the Nevada Museum of Art.

Secure A Spot